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The benefits of social listening in social media marketing 

Many companies are interested in knowing how their brand, product or service is being talked about. Whether they have good or bad reviews, whether they are doing their job well, whether their customers really like them, and whether they really capture the attention of leads and customers; this creates more opportunities to reach more target audiences and generate future sales.

Social listening on social networks

What is social listening in social media marketing?

Social listening is a process that has become a tool adopted in online marketing both to measure and/or improve the products offered by brands. Don’t confuse the term with social media monitoring, which is something different from social listening, which is all about numbers, mentions, and interactions, something more quantitative, which is important for measuring the number of people reached and the extent to which it is worth the investment made to reach more people; social listening is more than that, it refers to what our clients feel and think about our brand.

The best channel for obtaining information on opinions and critical comments is undoubtedly social networks; it is crucial that brands pay attention to what the public is saying about their experiences because the information they gather can be used to identify the needs of customers and future customers.

Advantages of Social Listening on social networks

Interact with your customers.

Social networks are the easiest way to get in touch with the brand, interact with them and provide them with the information that will help them solve their problems. If possible, the brand should respond in a short time, and the public will see that the brand is concerned and involved with its clients, creating a good relationship and a good reputation.

Optimise the product or service.

By analysing customer comments in our publications and campaigns, we can see if what our brand has offered has met their expectations; positive messages are always welcome, as are bad ones, the latter allowing us to obtain feedback to change or improve the product/service, thus knowing the strengths and weaknesses and even teaching our customers to use them, as often dissatisfaction is because of this.

To get new customers and maintain the reputation.

Before making a purchase we always look for comments from other people on social networks or the web about the experience they have had with the product or service as this generates more confidence when purchasing it; brands should be attentive to all comments, especially the bad ones and give them a solution, early action will ensure that these bad comments do not transcend and generate a bad reputation for our brand.

Knowing the performance of our competitors.

As well as gathering information from your brand’s social networks, social listening can provide information about the competition and the industry, identifying opinion leaders, trends and opportunities that will allow us to align with the preferences and desires of the public, giving us ideas and improvements that we can apply to our digital marketing campaigns.


Social listening is a process that helps companies measure and improve their products by gathering information from social media about what their customers think and feel about their brand. It is more than just monitoring numbers and interactions and involves analyzing customer comments to identify needs and improve products or services. Social listening has many advantages, including the ability to interact with customers, optimize products or services, maintain a good reputation, and gain insights into competitors and industry trends. Brands that use social listening can create better relationships with their customers and generate more sales opportunities. As a result, companies should consider incorporating social listening into their social media marketing strategy.

Consider implementing social listening into your social media marketing strategy to better understand your customers and improve your products or services.


    • Arif Hossain

    • 3 months ago

    This was a really wonderful post about SMM. Social media have a great role in marketing. Thank you for providing such valuable information.

    • Arif Hossain

    • 3 months ago

    This was a really wonderful post about SMM. Social media have a great role in marketing. Thank you for providing such valuable information.

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